CDN Servers

Enterprise cloud servers with dedicated resources and KVM virtualization.

Best Content Delivery Network (CDN) Service Provider

With increase in the usage of internet the demand for services/tools to increase the speed of application is increasing. CDN stands for Content delivery network. It helps user to reduce the latency and increase the overall browsing speed of the application. CDN is mainly designed in such a way to reduce the overall latency of your application. The application having user globally require CDN services to reduce the response time to open the website.

How Content Delivery Network (CDN) Works?

CDN stores the content of your website in various location and it is designed in such a way that whenever a user pings the website the data is retrieved from the nearest location. In nutshell CDN puts data in different location and provide more coverage to your users. For example if someone access your website in US and website is hosted in Australia then with the help of CDN the website will be accessed from a local POP in US.

Advantages of Content Delivery Network (CDN)

  • Improves the speed of your application
  • Increase the security of the application
  • It helps to handle high traffic
  • Optimize the bandwidth consumption
  • Protect website from DDOS attacks
  • Increases the uptime of your application
  • Increases the traffic conversion rate of your website

What kind of users require CDN Services?

  • Website having users spread across the world
  • Website having features like online videos and streaming services
  • Applications having gateways integrated with it
  • Social media websites with global client base
  • Online banking applications
  • Digital media applications
  • Gaming applications
  • e-Commerce websites

Factors involved in the performance of CDN depends on: -

  • Number of PoPs - CDN PoPs stand for Point of presence. More the PoPs are present lesser the round trip distance is required. At Hostrunway we are having PoPs in all the major data centre globally and we ensure to provide you the lowest latency for the application hosted on our CDN platform.
  • Caching Servers - Caching servers helps to store and delivers the file locally. It helps to reduce the website load time and optimize the bandwidth consumption.
  • Storage - Normally the caching server’s performance depends on the storage device. Cache server’s uses SSD drives to provide the low response time.

CDN Pricing Wordwide

The Hostrunway Multi-CDN combines multiple CDN provider networks to guarantee an optimal experience for your audience. The best PoP is selected based on its performance metrics to distribute your content.

Plan Overage Costs HTTPS Traffic Included Unlimited Domains Storage Included Flat Price Wordwide Monthly Price
2 TB $ 0.14 Yes Yes 2 GB Yes $ 269 Order Now
25 TB $ 0.11 Yes Yes 2 GB Yes $ 3459 Order Now
500 TB $ 0.08 Yes Yes 1 TB Yes $ 16029 Order Now

Looking for custom features and functionality, or bandwidth packages over 500TB? Get in touch to discuss the possibilities.

What Our Customers Say

We've helped hundreds of clients with custom server solutions, enabling them to operate much more efficient and secure than they ever did before.

My customers didn't experience a single minute of downtime since I moved my services over to Hostrunway.

Peter Miller
Chemical Industries

Hostrunway helped me with a professional custom server solution when my business was so rapidly growing my old system couldn't handle the load anymore.

John Smith
HQ Streaming Company

By switching to Hostrunway's Anycast DNS system we were able to decrease the worldwide app latency immensely.

Mary Fonda
SAAS Billing Solutions

Looking for a custom solution?

Our technicians can provide you with the best custom made solutions on the market, no matter whether you're a small business or large enterprise.

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